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Old 12th November 2020, 09:22 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by BUCC_Guy
Do any of you gentlemen have thoughts or details on this Italian Bill?

I found one of similar construction (diamond spike, hard angle hook) previously sold by Christies.

Is it a safe bet that this one is likely 1520-1530?

My initial thought was that this one was indeed earlier than most on the market as construction is a bit more crude than the more refined, sleek Bills we see later in the 16th century. The hook angle is closer to a 90 degree angle than most examples.
Nice Roncone! It looks in quite good condition so you don’t need to do anything with it. You could clean the metal with a little bit of white spirit and then apply mineral oil or alternatively Renaissance Wax (less oily). You could use walnut (no smell nor colour, doesn’t turn rancid) oil to preserve the wood.
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