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Old 11th September 2020, 07:49 PM   #1
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Default British dragoon sword

This sword is a 'dragoon' sword of mid 18th century in intact but heavily pitted and patinated condition. It is unusual to see leather grip wrap still intact but then it has been static since 1970s at least.
The straight blade with slight curve has clipped point popular on German blades of the time. The hilt is of the 'four slot' type which seems to have begun around 1760 and lasted into 1780s.

From research I believe this type sword with straight (or nominally so) blade was a type favored by 15th Light Dragoons. Typically British dragoon units were more 'heavy cavalry' and favored heavier basket type hilts, so this was quite unusual as noted, for light dragoons.
Cavalry of the 18th century was going through changes, and while the dragoons typically dismounted and fought as infantry on foot, these became known as heavy cavalry as combat called for remaining mounted with the light dragoon.
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