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Old 20th July 2020, 09:22 PM   #20
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Posts: 444

And that's all of them!

Again, feel free to pull individual images out to discuss, or otherwise, to use freely to support your research.

For my next project, I have been flipping through a book that contains the complete works of Caravaggio, a Renaissance painter active about 100 years after the work above was published. He has some fine paintings that depict rapiers and daggers of the late 16th early 17th century, as well as detailed depictions of armor. Far fewer images that what I posted in this thread, so I'll likely post them one-by-one, with the date of completion. Be on the look out for that in the near future. Arms/armor aside, seeing the advancement in artistic expression in a mere 100 years is stunning, and parallels nicely with what we see in arms development over the same time period.
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