Thread: Burmese Forge
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Old 17th July 2020, 10:26 PM   #8
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

Yes David, correct, I read both threads one after the other and thought of them as one when I wrote my post. Sorry.

Anvils are really expensive, but for knife work you can get away with just about anything steel that has a face or face area over about 3" across. Even a piece of old machinery will do.

The forge bed itself is pretty easy to improvise, and an old vacuum cleaner set on the reverse function makes a good blower.

Can you get decent fuel where you are? Peanut coke or hardwood charcoal?
Coal can be used, but it is messy and poisonous.

The other tools you make yourself.
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