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Old 14th July 2020, 01:26 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
As Detlef and Marius have indicated, this is very much Saharan, probably Algerian, and seems related to the bou saadi knives but the motif as also noted of the 'flyssa' variety. There are as might be expected, considerable variations of these Saharan edged weapons, and this appears 19th c. into early 20th. Its always hard to say as these traditional weapons remained in use for generations in these tribes.

The motif is related to the type seen on the flyssa, which seem to have a combination of linear talismanic oriented theme along with often somewhat personalized devices.

I would as always recommend restraint, stabilize any corrosion but try to keep as much patina as possible (personal taste).
Much obliged for your feedback! From antiques and numismatic point of view I fully support your taste, leaving patina as is and only “ addressing” the corrosion ( damage control ) .
Time for me to atudy the flyssa as this is terra incognito for me....
So thnx again !
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