Thread: rapier
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Old 30th June 2020, 12:38 PM   #14
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tyneside. North-East England
Posts: 520
Default Rapier

Originally Posted by fernando
On the other hand, and not pretending to gratuitously switch the complicometer, is it my eyes or the sword posted is in the "wrong" position, that is, with the knuckle guard on the top, instead of in the bottom. This inversion gives us a different view of the lettering, potentially due for a different interpretation.
I wonder if urbanspaceman could post a clear picture of both sides of the blade, both with the knuckle guard below the grip.
Hello Fernando. Thank-you for clearing up the correct spelling of SAHAGUN, I was confused, as it seems to apply to the place, yet I've seen it spelt both ways in recent searches; now I know for sure.

With regard to the lettering: I only have the vendor's pics so far but there is lettering on both sides. On one side they look like As with the cross-bar clearly visible; on the other side there is no cross-bar and they look like Vs (inverted) so I flipped the image around to correspond to the other side. Very perspicacious of you Fernando.
I will know more when it arrives.

I am mystified by this grip-wire bars business, can you explain for me please.
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