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Old 4th June 2020, 11:15 PM   #1
Vikingsword Staff
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: The Aussie Bush
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Exclamation Very disturbing development in the Philippines

Yesterday I received the following information from a friend in the Philippines.
Last night, the PH Congress approved on final reading the Anti-Terrorism Bill. I was informed by my friends and fellow blade enthusiasts in the legal profession that, with this Bill in effect, blade-related transactions may be monitored, limited, or worse, intervened upon by the national government. There are specific provisions of the Bill that defines as 'terrorism' the acquisition and carrying of bladed items. Another feature of the Bill is warrantless arrests, which I'm afraid is a precursor to the strongman regime this current government is turning out to be. ...
To make matters worse, even before the Bill was passed, I've also received reports of two shipments of antique European blades confiscated at Customs because the official-in-charge decided they were 'still functional as weapons.' ...
Very disturbing news. While this site refrains from political commentary, I'm posting this information for those who may be selling items to people in the Philippines, which I have been trying to do but COVID-19 has blocked the mail from Australia to Manila--in this case, an unanticipated but fortunate development as Philippine Customs would likely have seized several items.

I wish all our Filipino members well under these restrictions, especially the warrantless arrests, which have echoes of earlier times under the Marcos regime.

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