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Old 19th May 2020, 06:38 PM   #9
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Location: Germany, Dortmund
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Originally Posted by Marbel
Hello Detlef,
I would actually think of the pieces you've shown as Blaan. That being said, I think it's important to recognize that the sword itself and the scabbard are two different things and often have very different origins. One might also add the hilt as a seperate consideration as well. Due to trade, battles, repairs, inter-marriage, etc. these three elements of any piece might take on a mix-match appearance. The Tboli, Blaan and Bagobo (more knowledgable collectors may also include the Kalagan,Tagakaolo and others) all interacted and still do. The Tboli and Blaan very closely, similarly the Blaan and Bagobo. Each have very distinct and identifiable elements to their weapons and scabbards, however each often carry a blend as well. I have relatively little knowledge of the blades themselves and certainly many of these were Moro in origin. The hilts and scabbards offer more clues to me and these old photos, taken and notated in situ can offer unique insights. I think we're all relatively confident when we see a 'true' Bagobo piece with its specific hilt, scabbard and blade design. A distinct Tboli hilt and scabbard is hard to miss as well. For me, the distinctness of the Blaan is found in the scabbard and the elegant yet simple hilt.

I continue to look forward to learning more from my own research but especially from those who read this board and who have much more knowledge and experience than I do.
Thank you Craig,

Like you I am still learning about Lumad blades and your remarks are a part of my learning!

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