Thread: Pamorless
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Old 16th April 2020, 10:25 PM   #8
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This seems like a well made current era blade, but the features are frankly not to my tastes. The rather bulbous "nose" of the kembang kacang and what Jean remarked as the "odd tail" of the gonjo seem strange to my eye and out of balance. So does the pudhak sategal, firstly is the way they hook back towards the blade after leaving the body of the wilah (generally they would continue a trajectory outward) and secondly the way the back pudhak sategal begins to follow the line into the first luk of the blade creating an "S" curve instead of a solid arc. This all seems very odd for pudhak sategal as i have observed them in other keris and for me all these things create a rather unharmonious flow in this blade.
I'm not sure what Alan has said about this feature in the past, but i believe i have seen keris that at least appear to be antique that do have this feature. I cannot say how long it has been an accepted ricikan for keris though nor if it is a part of known and accepted pakem or not, but perhaps Alan will be able to confirm or deny this if he sees this thread.
I am sorry to sound critical of this keris. The important thing, of course, is that it appeals to you. But it does seem that you were seeking comments and this one just isn't to my personal tastes.I hope you will not take my views personally.
However, like GIO, i am intrigued by the mendak. Do you know what the material used here is? I've never seen one like it and find it appealing.
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