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Old 11th March 2020, 01:36 PM   #34
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,861

Thanks Jean.

Yes, it does look like a serious donger, but there is nothing else I can see in this representation that would incline me to think I was looking at Bhima.

Bhima is a very serious heavy. A Wide Boy. A hit man. He is not a pleasant young man with an other-worldly expression on his face.

In Bali Hindu iconography, Classical Javanese iconography, Hindu iconography, the serpent around the neck or across the shoulder is normally associated with Siwa.

But this little statue is Balinese, and Balinese carvers often have a mind of their own about how well known personages should be shown. Personally, I would not attempt to give this charming little gentleman any name at all.
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