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Old 10th March 2020, 10:49 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
David, in respect of Mrs. Vanna Ghiringhelli's previous publications, I reserve comment.
In respect of her upcoming publication I will say only this:- this lady writes well, and is a meticulous researcher, I have found all of her writings to be an excellent mirror of the overall beliefs associated with the keris. Her perspective is in my opinion one that should be given close attention by anybody who wishes to undertake a comparative study of the keris as it is understood by all of those people who have an interest in it.
Well Alan, as i stated earlier, i do have both of her books on hilts and i would be most interested in seeing, if not owning (which is probably the only way i will get to see it) this upcoming book as well. I do not disagree with you commentary on her writing or perspective .
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