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Old 18th February 2020, 07:50 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by ariel
The “edge down” is not characteristic of Caucasian origin, more like Turkish.
The decoration of the handle is not something I have seen on Caucasian either. Moreover, the handle and the details of the scabbard do not match. Both suspension ring part and the chape are made of silver while the handle is of a different materiel, and the throat is of yet another one. The existing scabbard parts are decorated in niello of Circassian style ( it does not prove their Circassian origin: this style was copied extensively) and the handle I cannot say what is the materiel of the scabbard cover, but it is not customary leather
Usually, the width of the blade is the same as the lower quillon; this one is much more slender and the juncture between the two seems to be worked on rather extensively.

I think it is a combination of different parts and the age is uncertain, but the entire object might have been assembled well after shashkas as fighting swords went out of use. Conceivably, scabbard parts were placed upside down during the assembly.

In brief, a highly isuspicious object and I do not like it.
Thank you Ariel for your comments....I agree regarding the scabbard not matching the sword hilt, and having a mix of fittings. I suppose it is also possible that at some stage that the two could have been miss-matched. It also appears that it is likely to have been recovered at some stage.
However it is the sword itself that interests me, and it is the origin of that which i would like to establish. The sword handle is silver by the way.
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