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Old 5th January 2020, 04:34 AM   #20
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

I have only now noticed this thread, and I do regret not committing a post to it earlier.

I do not want to comment on the philosophy of animal combat, but I do most sincerely suggest that before condemning this out of hand, that an objective opinion based upon the mores of the time and society concerned should be attempted. Admittedly, objectivity in matters such as this do seem to be particularly difficult for many people.

However, in respect of cock fighting in Bali and Jawa, I would like to draw attention to the fact of the religious foundations of this practice. I had thought that it was well known that cock fighting in Bali was predominantly religious in nature, but apparently I was wrong about this.

Indonesia banned cock fights in about 1980, except for religious purposes in Bali, because it was it was recognised that the cock fight was a part of religious ritual.

Cock fights also continue in rural Jawa, and although not validated by religion, the cultural reason is pretty much the same, that is, the spilling of blood to get rid of evil spirits.

This link will take you to a summary of the nature of the cock fight in Bali. The writer is Jonathon Copeland, a British lawyer, the information source is Ibu Murni, a recognised authority on Balinese culture and society:-
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