Thread: Figural !
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Old 20th October 2019, 08:00 AM   #162
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,236

Hello Alan,

Thanks for your thoughts!

Regarding the genitals we can only guess, this type seems to always maintain decorum...

It is also always carved with 4 fingers with apparently the thumb hidden from view. (If it were meant to represent Bhima, I'd expect the thumb(nail) not to be hidden from view though.)

While the bun may appear simple, this type always comes with quite elaborate hairdo with very neatly arranged hair, several successive rows of curls in the bun and often additional curls below - pretty much nessitating a hairdresser (not a DIY thing, I believe).

This type also always come with lots of status wear: A huge central diadem which is kinda mirrored at the back of the head, too. Around the ears there seems to be a sumping ron (slightly smaller than usual?) and possibly an eloborate ring dangling down from the earlobe (if not part of the sumping ron). Then we have a massive and heavily decorated breast plate followed by a very broad belt with central plate/buckle and, again, heavy decor. The upper arms, wrists and ankles are also carrying elaborate bangles. Definitely a member of the upper echelons and not a common man is represented here!

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