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Old 11th October 2019, 07:04 AM   #14
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I think, I may not have expressed clear enough what I wanted to say.

Unless YOU test the sword in similar conditions to those of real battle (or very close to those conditions) YOU cannot know if it is good or not. And when I say "YOU" I do not mean, you Jim, or you MForde, but "you" in general.

All steel has a deformation threshold from where elastic deformation stops and breakage or plastic deformation occurs, and for a steel of unknown composition this threshold can only be determined by testing.

So, the blade can look and feel strong and elastic and you can bend it 5 degrees without any bad effects. But, then if you bend it just one degree more, it breaks, or much more often, becomes permanently bent.

The Qajar revival blades were not thermally treated and were made of low carbon content steels, so are nothing but purely decorative weapons.

It is something completely different from battle ready blades that have decorations applied later.

PS: These "swords" are not even mentioned in "Arms and Armor from Iran" by Mr. Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani which is the most comprehensive book on Persian weapons... as they are not real weapons but decorations.

Last edited by mariusgmioc; 11th October 2019 at 08:22 AM.
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