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Old 6th July 2019, 09:41 PM   #6
bsingh2311's Avatar
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Location: Mars.
Posts: 10

I appreciate all of your comments on the sword. I am yet to hold this sword in person as it's being shipped to me as we speak. I'm curious to evaluate the marriage of the hilt and blade/tang to see if the 'masala' or mixture that holds it in place has age to it or if it seems new.

I know a lot of people had gems and small diamonds/gold put in the masala or mixture that holds the marriage of the hilt & blade/tang but as mentioned above, it's a possibility that the hilts were removed and doing so the small gems/diamonds along with them.

I shall post more pictures of the sword such as the spine once I receive it (which I think will take some time). But, for now I'm quite pleased with the overall looks of the sword. From the image the sword looks light, the hilt of decent measurements, it has what looks like the original silver koftigari on it, although the end/tail of the knuckle guard seems to be damaged, it adds character to the hilt.

Moreover, what metal do you guys think the sword was forged from? It looks a lot like watered steel to me?

Lastly, the sword would need a thorough cleaning. What would you guys recommend as good materials/practices for cleaning or getting the blade's pattern to be more apparent?

As always, I appreciate your time and effort in replying to my thread.
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