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Old 30th April 2019, 05:30 PM   #15
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Originally Posted by Philip
The lock sure looks better after you've de-gunked it! I like the economy version of the waterproof pan -- not as costly to make as the fancy London- or Paris style with the deep drainage gutters on either side, but I'm sure it worked well enough in Algeria which probably doesn't see a lot of rain. Speaking of which, what do you think of that frizzen face without scratches and impact marks? Doesn't look like this gun was fired much if at all, what do you think? Any significant ramrod wear at the muzzle?
Hi Philip

Thanks again for the great workmanship. While the lock has a dark patina (if originally fire blued this would have turned a similar dark brownish color over time without oil) the lock shows little if any wear. Not only is there little evidence on the frizzen face, the tumbler and sear show almost no use.
The barrel is a different story. The bore is a bit rough with definite signs of ramrod wear and usage. Makes me wonder if the pistol started life with a different lock (?). But that would not surprise me with these guns.
The iron ramrod is only about 2/3rds the length of the barrel. Yet the stock had ramrod hole drilled the full length. But the mainspring of the lock interferes, not allowing a full length rod. I guess you could say this is typical Eastern type workmanship LOL So the ramrod would have to be considered "false". And in any case, it was probably loaded with a separate Suma rod.

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