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Old 2nd March 2019, 06:46 PM   #296
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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I don't have any ideas, but I have many questions as a latecomer to the world of khanjhars, and I have been remiss in not following them with you more closely .
What I have learned in trying to go through the remarkable detail and guidelines/observations you have shared here over the years and with others here keen on these daggers, is how very complex they really are.

In the recent discussions on the materials used for the hilts on khanjhars, you brought up giraffe horn, which nearly two years ago apparently was thought to have not actually been used despite the ZRAF HINDI term used. It appears that it was thought to be hoof material from giraffe possibly.

The realization that it indeed was giraffe horn you made recently seems to have been very important, and I have always thought that the rhino horn characteristically used in these was essential for either talismanic or other properties.

So what I am trying to understand is if there are indeed any certain stipulations or specific reasons for one material over another. Have any khanjhars used ivory for hilts?

The use of this orange wood material seems aesthetic, so it seems perhaps that availability of materials superceded some such requirements such as I thought were observed re: the rhino horn.

Just trying to get an idea of various hilt materials and any significances etc.
I know this has been covered through many posts, but just catching up.
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