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Old 29th December 2018, 10:14 PM   #1
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Default Yemeni (?) Sword for ID and Comments

I am not 100% sure where this sword is from. It has a double edged blade of approximately 31 inches in length with a wide fuller in the middle and two narrow fullers running parallel to it on its sides. The hilt and scabbard mouth are of some kind of alloy, not sure what exactly. The scabbard is wooden core, covered with a black leather, underneath which there is also a layer of cloth. There are traces of markings on one side of the forte just underneath the fuller, probably some kind of foliate decoration.

My guess is that this was probably assembled in Yemen, most likely sometime in the 20th century. The hilt similar to jambiya hilts, and the blade with its fuller configuration has similarities to two Yemeni swords with older hilts in posts 16 and 26 of this thread:

I can imagine a scenario where the old hilt was lost or simply taken off to be melted for its silver content, and new fittings were fashioned. But of this is just speculation of course, and I look forward to reading your opinion on this sword origin.

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