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Old 20th August 2018, 12:51 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by motan
How come Egypt is such an exception?
Egypt was constantly occupied by different conquerers since around 500 BC.

The career as a province started with the persian Cambyses II. in 525 BC and ended in the 19th ct. after the liberation from Ottoman rule.

As a foreign ruler one the first things you have to do, is to stop any kind of local military arms production!

This is the reason, why wo cannot found Egyptian patterns. It is the same thing as with Greece after it became a Roman and later an Ottoman province. Or with the Balkan under Ottoman rule.

The egyptian weapons before 525 were mainly made from bronze and simply were reused as tools or whatever, since bronze is very easy to shape.

It also often happens, that conquerers destroy or confisticate all weapons to avoid revolt (Germany after WW2).

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