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Old 31st March 2018, 12:48 AM   #10
EAAF Staff
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Regarding the patina around the top and back of the pommel, I was looking at that and have hesitated to comment. I think Charles that it is likely that there was a silver (I doubt true suassa) strap around the pommel. Thanks for pointing out the holes (I had to look a littler harder to see what you were talking about).

Regarding the scabbards: both were made later than the kris itself. The first one was made perhaps in the 1990s(?) and is not Sulu but looks more Maguindanao. The second scabbard is perhaps from the 1960s-1980s(?) and Sulu (based on the style of the scabbard as a whole). However the cloth mansala might be Maguindanao (need to see more of it).

However, glad to see some lamination in the blade. This for me definitely places the kris in the late 19th - early 20th century.
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