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Old 25th January 2018, 08:52 AM   #21
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,861

Thanks Detlef.

Yeah, communication by Smartphone sucks. Agreed. I hate it so much I don't even own a Smartphone, and I leave my 15 year old mobile switched off, unless I want to make a call.

I'll wait until you get onto a proper keyboard where you can express yourself clearly and give me a proper analysis.

What I'm looking at is fit, finish, condition, design, craftsmanship.

I'm looking at the post #6 knife, and all the others, as if they were in a competition to select the knife that has been most skillfully crafted. In other words, which knife from amongst all of these is likely to be the work of a master, not the work of a village tinkerer.

I am not looking at what I might like to own for one reason or another.

I am applying purely objective judgement --- the sort of judgement that gets applied to knives in custom knife making competitions.
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