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Old 11th October 2017, 08:35 PM   #124
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tyneside. North-East England
Posts: 522

Originally Posted by Mel H
Hello all, I've been a follower of the site for quite a long time and have recently taken the step of 'signing up', this is my first post.
I've long had an interest in the blades made at Shotley Bridge and am enjoying this particular thread, just a quick note to Urbanspaceman. Do you know of the paper written by Rhys Jenkins and read at the North of England institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers in 1935?
I've not yet had time to digest the full thread so may have missed any mention of it.
Hello Mel. I am pleased to have you on board this thread: welcome.
You have reminded me: I am supposed to go down to the Mining Institute and read a bunch of stuff that has come up on this thread; for some reason, I don't seen to be able to open some archives. I know the folks down there and they are not only obliging but enthusiastic about digging out ancient tomes for me. Everything connected to Newcomen is directly accessible there, and that is what I am going to peruse. It's really a remarkable place, and the folk who work there are volunteers for the most part; when you go through the doors, it is like stepping back 100 years or more. Next door is the Lit and Phil as it is known locally: The Literary and Philosophic Society to be correct. Between the two, I would venture that every sparkling mind in the entire industrial revolution has graced its halls; and the Mining Inst's lecture hall is a genuine marvel with an atmosphere that is absolutely beyond compare... and that includes the Royal Institute.
Sorry, I've strayed far from the thread; I just get all gooey when mention is made of those two places. Again, welcome. Please post anything anytime, as Jim said, it is all valuable. I believe that we are beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel of mystery penetrating Shotley Bridge.
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