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Old 18th September 2017, 09:11 PM   #10
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Thank you for that link!
I was already intrigued by these shields and designs as we went through Wyoming and Montana and saw many examples in the museums. It seems that while many were buried with their owners, certain ones with significantly powerful tribal figures were passed on. Some of these are among those captured or turned over to government in arrangements.

Some time ago I was studying 'rock art' and the pictographs found in European caves which derive from prehistoric man, and the nature of the symbols and designs. Much of this apparently was profoundly associated with shamanic activity, trances, and entoptic circumstances from visions etc.

Considering the migrations of these early tribal people into the America's, it is fascinating to consider these phenomenon over many thousands of years and carried forth into the tribal tradition and religious beliefs. These tribal groups of Native Americans are actually quite amazing, and the more we learn about them, the more we realize how much so.

Apparantly the symbolism used in these designs and devices was of course remarkably personal, and often had variant meaning to each individual, as well as within different tribal groups. Though there were some certain symbols with a degree of universality, their allegorical content might be notably deviated from these as placed with other such devices.

It seems there have been some attempts at interpreting some of the shield designs, and with certain success in some cases, however many remain a mystery as to exact significance. In one case, an attempt to inquire with a person from one tribe on the designs seen on an example from another, and they declined, noting they were not permitted to discuss such matters of another tribe or person.
Interestingly, there are certain parallels to the evolution of heraldry in European and other cultures, with stringent parallels and protocol very much in place.
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