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Old 26th March 2017, 02:49 PM   #10
EAAF Staff
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Upstate New York, USA
Posts: 899
Exclamation If wishes were horses...

1. This site has never had, nor ever been configured for, a security certificate. It has always been under the regular old http (hypertext transfer protocol.) The secure protocol (https) is essential for banking, e-commerce and medical record sites and such where sensitive financial or other data is being passed back and forth. So, probably similarly sensitive information should not be included in private messages here, as it would travel on the internet unencrypted and you will be relying on it being a needle in a haystack.

2. Matchlock had complained of the takouba in the forums logo (preferring a European medieval sword he had seen in an auction) and I had promised to change it 'when convenient.' When I switched back from the seminar announcement, I did so, though I remain somewhat unsatisfied with the result.

3. I have seen Google's 'this site may be hacked' message myself on occasion. I followed the links the first time and was directed to register some sort of account and install something and then they would reveal to me what was of concern. I did not enter that gauntlet of hoops. I looked at the html of the top pages and nothing was out of order. I killed some dead links and links that had gone sleazy.

4. If any member actually encounters any page that is part of this site with suspicious material or encounters sleaze when following a link from here, please report it to me. This site is maintained on a 'shared' server and that may sometimes result in 'blacklisting' when there is malfeasance on any of the sites hosted on that server. Similarly, this site has been blocked by some shabbily coded 'net nanny' software because of the presence of such words as 'weapon.'

5. Offers of paid advertising (i.e. renting out your eyeballs) are regularly and uniformly rejected and donations are neither sought nor accepted. Life is much simpler and better this way. Maybe someday this community will create a proper nonprofit organization to administer and maintain this project and with that will come updated and professionally administered services (likely along with an end to the budget restricting policies noted in the first paragraph of this paragraph).
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