Thread: A Needle
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Old 22nd December 2016, 08:05 AM   #20
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

Yes, I have no problem at all with the idea that high class craftsmen had high class tools, in fact I do have other examples of high quality tools, and have seen even more, but this is a punch needle, it was used to make (apparently) low class rugs, more or less folk art type rugs.

Sailors made them on long voyages, country women made them, it was a big thing in old Russia, much finer punch needles than this one were used for the ornamentation of religious clothing. I do not know, but I rather doubt, that craftsmen in the employ of royal courts made rugs, or other needlework, that required a large, heavy needle like this one.

Yes, its a high class tool, so who might have owned a high class, heavy duty punch needle, a tool for making folk-art rugs?

In respect of beetle nut cutters, in Indonesia these are known as "kacip" and are a part of the paraphernalia used in the relevant ceremony. Even very ordinary people owned quite elaborate beetle sets. In recent years, say the last 20 years or so, they have attained high status as collectables in Indonesia and their value is now more or less the same as keris of similar quality.
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