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Old 26th July 2016, 03:28 AM   #1
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Default Three new from Luzon

Hello All,

Picturepoluza 2016 continues with three more recent acquisitions, this time with 2 bolos and a dagger from Luzon. All three have handles made from (mostly) carabao horn, brass fittings and leather scabbards. All seem to have the characteristic peened tang. The tooling on the leather scabbards makes me happy.

I think the first bolo and the dagger are both from Batangas. I suspect the bolo is 19th century, and the dagger is WWII era, based largely on similar ones I've seen on the interwebs, but these are mostly guesses. The dagger's handle is in the form of a horse head. Sadly one eye has suffered from damage (insects, presumably). The bolo's tip seems to have been damaged. Amusingly, though it's not clear from the photos, the resulting third "edge" where the tip broke of has been sharpened.

The second bolo is from Apilit, as can be seem from the markings, and I suspect is WWII era. The horn on the handle has suffered some damage (more noticeable in the photos than in person) as has the leather scabbard, but this one in particular is lively in the hand. It wants to move. Because I study Kali, I'm not ashamed to admit that I've more than once (very slowly and carefully) practiced sinawali patterns with this one and the Batangas bolo.

This thread has more on Apalit

As does this one.

As always, any thoughts, comment, and/or corrections are greatly appreciated.

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