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Old 5th June 2016, 04:25 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by ariel
No argument against use/production of Tabars in Turkey or Indo-Persian areal. No argument that the ones shown here are of an Indo-Persian or just Persian pattern and decoration. No argument that they might have been made locally late 19 or even early 20th century.

But you were mentioning Europe. Any evidence that some Spanish, French or any other European company produced them en masse for souvenir purposes? This is my only question.

And as for examples, google "scythian axe", ancestors of Persians.
You will find tons of socketed examples dating to BCE
Ariel, Blacksmith mentioned that these types were made for the Paris World Expo 1900, I mentioned reading that they were made in Europe, who knows if either of these statements is correct but this is not an unheard of situation, one example is the Khedive of Egypts armor (helmets, hauberks, cuirass) which he had made in Europe and this was during the 1800s.

I have never seen any proof that these axe were made outside of India / Persia, but they are not constructed in the manner that axe from these regions were usually constructed. One thing is the huge size and weight, I have compared some traditionally made axe to the one of this type that I own, you can clearly see that while it resembles some Indo-Persian axe heads it is of a completely different type. If made in Indian / Persia why suddenly start using a completely different construction method? Yes there are a few socketed weapons examples but duting the time period we are discussing this is not the normal method of construction, Early Ottoman maces used a socketed construction but the was in the 16th - 17th century and I can not remember seeing any Indo-Persian axe made this way except these very recognizable examples.
Originally Posted by Blacksmith
Hello, I have seen these kind of axes with different kind of blade styles and with same haft style and they werw all mentioned to be made for the Paris World Exhibition in the beginning of the 1900. So not made for the actuall use.
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Last edited by estcrh; 5th June 2016 at 04:36 AM.
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