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Old 1st March 2016, 05:08 PM   #14
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Actually these pistols are a fascinating topic, and for me (and probably Mark Eley of course) that is powerfully driven by their distinction in pirate use during the 'golden age' as well in the many highly romanticized themes of the 18th century.

I think the reason that so little response has resulted may be that there are no specific queries or attentions to features or character of a particular example. The wonderful photos of all these amazing examples are of course breathtaking , but when presented in a long string of tantalizing but otherwise unidentified photos, other than awe, there is little that one can say.

Perhaps attention to the case of a multibarreled example or with unusual features (such as as a swivel bayonet?) presented singly could be one topic. Such a feature might have been considered useful in the case of misfire and serve as secondary defense ?
Or with multibarrels, obviously the same concept, a remedy for the dreaded misfire.
The famed 'Blackbeard' is believed (through well known art work) to have worn a good number of these on crossbelts probably for this very reason (in the days before the trusty six shooter).

Then there might be attention to the appellation 'Queen Anne', which of course is thought to be for her reign during the 'golden age of piracy' in the early 18th century. But why was the term still used long after her death c 1715 (cannot recall exact year) ??? Later examples became known as the 'box lock'. These seem to have screw off barrels to load, when did these end and when did the 'turn off' barrels become superceded by other?

So I would say for readers out there.....pick an it open for specific observation and comments......and FIRE AT WILL !

These are amazing pistols!!!
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