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Old 25th December 2015, 06:53 PM   #13
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Hi Estcrh.
With the exception of the hole in the bolt head, mine is exactly like yours. And the term bolt is probably more accurate in this case since it is not designed as the typical breechplug we are accustomed to seeing. My bolt came out without much effort. I re-applied Kroil oil around the edges of the bolt head off and on for about three weeks to give it time to penetrate. Then a little heat and it came right out with a cresent wrench. As I recall, the bolt is about 1.25" long. The head of the bolt does not really tighten into the barrel, but just snugs up flush to the breech face. It took me a while to figure out that the bolt is held in tight when the tapered square plug is returned to the slot in the breech of the stock. Had to hammer it back in using a wood block. (To get the barrel off I had to hammer against the iron pan using the same wood block. Took me about half a day to figure out how it all came apart. LOL).
When I saw the square slot in the stock of the Malaysian gun, By the barrel photos of the Mal gun above, I can't tell if it's similar or not.
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