Thread: Tilang Kamerau
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Old 15th October 2015, 11:28 PM   #2
Amuk Murugul
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Originally Posted by Royston

Does anyone here know exactly which dialect the words are ?
Or even know the meaning.
Hullo Roy,

The silence is deafening ......

I plead guilty.
Therefore, please accept my humblest apologies.
Unfortunately, I am constrained by certain sensibilities.
However, very generally speaking, I can say that your term refers to a type of fish that migrates overland in times of drought/during prolonged dry seasons.
Although my spelling of the term may be slightly different, I am not in a position to suggest any correction (allowing for variation in regional spelling/pronunciation ).
May I suggest that your friends try to seek counsel from a Saribas manang bali, or even a Skrang manang bali?

'nuff said!


Last edited by Amuk Murugul; 15th October 2015 at 11:40 PM.
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