Thread: Sunggingans
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Old 27th April 2015, 01:54 AM   #3
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

The one I've shown came from an old collection that was put together in Jawa a little after WWII, so it probably comes from at least the 1930's.

I think we can probably date your Bali one to pre-WWII also.

As far as I am aware sunggingan dress in Bali lapsed between the beginning of WWII and maybe as recently as the late 1990's.

I have not heard anything regarding how and when sunggingan dress used to be worn, but these days it seems to be OK to wear for anything except where keris dress is subject to specific rules. My guess is that in previous times it was probably used for public events with a festive air, such as wayang performance attendance, or maybe parties or gatherings.

Here are images of Surakarta Keraton soldiers --- purely ceremonial these days --- parading in the Keraton courtyard, and a couple of them had sunggingan dress on their keris.
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