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Old 29th January 2015, 12:15 AM   #1
EAAF Staff
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Default Moro Tulip Kris (need Arabic/Jawi translation please)

Greetings folks!

I now have this Maguindanao kris I believe from the 1920s. Although the luk curves are sharp, the ganga is separate. No laminations in the blade. The pommel is made of ivory and the mounts are silver (I made the ferrule to match and replace the missing one).

On one side of the blade is a name in Western handwritten script (which I can only make out some of it). On the other side is Arabic or Jawi script. Would someone help me in the translation of the Arabic or Jawi script please? (and also the Western script as well?)

By the way, the script on both sides seems to be made of white metal, odd (and harder to inlay).
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