Thread: Opinions please
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Old 16th October 2014, 09:27 PM   #30
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,765

Thank you very much for passing along these comments Gajah.

Yes, I would agree that your friend's comments do accurately reflect some of the opinions of some Javanese people, and as such are undoubtedly of interest.

Thank you again.


An after-thought that may be of interest.

I can recall an occasion when I accompanied a family friend who had been employed to dig a new well for a village near Boyolali. The location had already been established, and the purpose of the visit was to go to the site with a dukun (shaman) to ask for permission from the spirit who inhabited the location, if a well could be dug.
Offerings were made, prayers recited, the dukun went into a trance-like state, and eventually a white presence that looked something like a snake emerged from the ground. The dukun spoke with the presence and the presence replied with instructions on what needed to be done before the well was dug.
The man employed to dig the well did not understand anything that was said, and neither did I, and we heard nothing but the voice of the dukun.
Nor did I see the white presence, but according to the well digger, something did appear out of the ground that had a snake-like appearance, but was also something like smoke. Neither of us heard anything but the voice of the dukun.
However, the people of the village were satisfied that the correct permission for the well had been obtained, and the well was dug and produced water.

Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 16th October 2014 at 09:47 PM.
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