Thread: Opinions please
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Old 13th October 2014, 01:22 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Jussi M.
Which brings us to Western Magic: technology. Mind you - when the previous Pope of the Catholic Church died a few years ago much less was written about it in contrast to when the previous Boss at Apple Computers - Steve Jobs died. Such is the power of the Technological Cult we are all part of.
rome was founded as a sacred city 2700+ years ago and has theologically and thaumaturgically remained much the same since. the names of the roman pontifex maximus change, but they remain the leader of the roman priesthood. the names of the gods change, their pantheon of minor gods and metaphysical beings have name changes, but most of the ceremonies are much the same. the annual procession of the earth mother goddess around rome still occurs, they just call her 'mary' now. 'vestal virgins' (nuns) abound, processions of the minor gods (saints) still occur, and like the roman emperors, men (especially ex-pontifex maximii) and women can become minor gods (saints). if anything the christianization enshrined the system and made it less tolerant and less accepting of other religions outside the now fixed roman rite.
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