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Old 4th September 2014, 04:45 AM   #3
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 88

Basically, I know only a limited amount of Jinghpaw, and keep in mind that Jinghpaw has multiple dialects, so nhtu may not the only Jinghpaw word. The Rawangs likewise have multiple dialects ie Matwang, Anung, Lungmi, Tangsar etc, some of which are mutually unintelligible, so again there is a high possibility that there are multiple words. I'll have to ask my Rawang friends what word they use. I've also got a couple of Maru friends I can ask.
I can't think if any Atsi speakers that I know of around here (Oklahoma), but maybe there are some down in Dallas. Also, the Lisu are sometimes Kachins, sometimes not, and some Rawangs would also object to being classified as Kachins. Anyway, you can see why people would just call any sword from Burma a Dha rather than get bogged down in the ethnographic swamp that ethnic classification can entail. The current census classifications are a serious bone of contention in Burma even as speak.
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