Thread: Danish Pallask
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Old 8th March 2014, 08:53 PM   #21
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by E Farrell
I'm always amazed how much information comes out of this forum from a few meager photos.

Would you be willing to scan in that image and either post it in thread or email it to me directly? Or, if not, do you know where I might be able to obtain a copy of that issue?

At Cornelis: Excellent images; thank you. I was uncertain where one of the broken sections of the guard would have ended; those seem to clear that issue up nicely.

How firm is that 1675-1725 date range? I would really like this to be 1659 or earlier given where it was found, but because of the lack of good records I am not confident in that date for the sword based on context alone.

Heh. I appear to have made a horrible mistake in choosing my username here; the 'first initial, last name' format brings on formal titles. I've got no objection to being 'E' or 'Farrell' or 'Hey, you over there'. I'd like to think I'm still too young to warrant a 'Mr.', but then that sentiment might itself be a sign of aging...

Hello E,
Actually I customarily address people by first name, but used the title to ensure proper respect until otherwise informed. Personally I'm far into the age where Mr is expected by most, but I prefer Jim as that title does seem 'old'
The question re: the Swedish arms journals I will get back to you on.
As Jens has noted, the Royal Armouries are an excellent source of information, but here Jasper I think pretty much has the best information.

All the best,
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