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Old 14th November 2013, 08:42 AM   #6
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 238

Originally Posted by Alam Shah
Thanks. Anyone have any idea what does 'Donoriko' means?
Good question. This reminds me a lot of Prambanan and Borobudur etymology

As a Javanese speaker of Central Java dialect, I would translate donoriko as:
dono/dana -- fund, money, gift, own, etc
riko/rika -- you (polite), especially certain areas East Java dialect
so it might means your precious (high language)
similar sounding words with almost similar meaning: (m)rika : over there (polite) especially Central Java

similar usage:
donorojo: name of several districts -- rojo = king
donowiro: generous -- wiro = hero, brave
donokromo: polite -- kromo = etiquette

Might have different meaning in the past too (name of a district where its originate, short version of other words for example wedono ing mriko, Old Java/Kawi, etc) but at least that is how I would translate at present.

As the object is originate from Madura, it might of course means totally different to a Madurese speaker

Last edited by tunggulametung; 15th November 2013 at 12:20 AM. Reason: provide better translation
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