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Old 2nd July 2013, 06:33 AM   #6
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i was also suspicious of it being a recent pakistani/indian unproofed replica. hence my guarded comments. they frequently have misaligned nipples and hammers and rather crude workmanship at the low end tourista level. many do not even have the vent holes drilled thru. the lock, barrel, and strapping are crudely inlayed and gaps filed with some gunk, the pins holding the barrel seem rather thin as well. i suspect the wall thickness of the barrel will turn out to be rather thin. i saw a replica lion butt cap on sale for £18 that looked very much like that one. but better.

the composite description was telling. i was waiting for more comments before posting this. i was reluctant to be the first bearer of bad news.

it was interesting to watch a video of the arms trade in durra, pakistan where young children with copper plumbing tubing cut it to length and hand swaged it into cartridges for ak47's. the ak47's their parents made by hand out of steel scrap. and racks of new martini-henrys, and similarly new 'old' enfield rifled muskets. the better ones even have almost-correct stamps and even reasonably heat treated parts. if you want a new tavor tar-21 assault rifle, you can watch them make it in front of you.
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