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Old 22nd May 2013, 10:50 PM   #4
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,754

In the centre of the break on the side still attached to the blade, drill a very small hole about 3mm. or 4mm. deep; the hole should not exceed 1/16" and be sufficient in size to take a small metal pin as a gentle press fit. A section of panel pin is about the right size pin.You can buy very small drill bits from a jewellers supply house.

Fit the metal pin to the hole and then locate precisely in the corresponding centre of the free piece of the hilt, again using a small press fit hole.

Test the meeting of the break edges, if they do not meet precisely the holes can be enlarged a couple of thou to permit meeting.

Clean both surfaces of the break thoroughly with acetone.

Assemble using 5 minute Araldite hand held in place until the Araldite sets. Ensure the Araldite is in the pin holes. It is best to tint the Araldite with black artists powder --- a very small quantity goes a very long way.

Remove the excess adhesive with a pointed bamboo skewer after the Araldite has set but before it cures.

Wait until the Araldite cures before doing any further work.

It is unlikely that you will get a perfect neat meeting of the break edges, no matter how hard you try, so be prepared to even up the meeting point of the break, probably by only a couple of thou if you have been careful.

Retint the area that you have cleaned up to match the rest of the hilt.

This repair can be done without the metal pin, which is easier but is not as strong. With the pin it will be as strong as it was before the break.
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