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Old 22nd April 2013, 06:58 AM   #16
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,764

We are looking at an up pointing triangle, thus we are looking at a symbol of Shiva.

The upward triangle does not represent three deities, it represents one:- Shiva, or as the Javanese have it, Siwa.

The downward triangle represents the female force, but we are not looking at downwards pointing triangle, we are looking at an upwards pointing one.

OK, we've made a start, you've got your hand on the door-knob.

Now turn it and open the door by thinking and making a few connections.

This door actually brings you into the room about halfway along, turn one way and you go back in time, turn the other and you go forward in time.

A lot of things happened before Siwa got into the act.
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