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Old 10th April 2013, 11:27 AM   #8
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Henk and Willem,

You're both flattering me!
I must admit I read a lot, but remembering all that I've read is the main problem I have (which probably is happening because of the many reading). Sometimes I can remember I've read something, but am not able finding it quick and easy.

I think Willem, that you're knowledge about tribal art weapons of the Indonesian Archipellago is more extensive as mine. And about Borneo it's more the teamwork to obtain knowledge and results at the end.
It's often like trying to find the pieces of a puzzle (with help from other collectors/researchers) to complete it as best as possible at the end.
Although I read a lot, I must say that very good friendcollectors helped (and still helping) with getting interesting articles and books to read. Also ofcourse with sharing their knowledge and hospitality when I visit them.
One can read a lot, but one needs to find out first which are the important articles/books to read.

And Willem, Henk's right that you collect a long time longer as I and you were one (amongst a few others) who caused my Borneo fever... (as I think of it now, you're amongst them that causes my moneyproblems.. )

Henk, about the student reaches the master thing, I think I've reached a level that I'm happy to rank me amongst some senior Borneo collectors, to improve our mutual goal -> sharing knowledge and be all happy collectors.

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