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Old 27th February 2013, 11:23 AM   #11
Jussi M.
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 235

Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
As keris become more recent we find meditating figures(puthut), buffalo, tigers, lions, manglar monggo, garudas, in fact a whole menagerie of motifs. A nice foundation for a collection could perhaps be to collect only keris with figural motifs --- what we call "picture keris".
- emphasis added -


this idea of concentrating ones collection focus onto "picture kerisīs" only sounds good in that it would make easier to stay the course: "no picture, on the keris, Iīll pass". Thus temptations would be easier to evade as the mass to choose from would be considerably lower?

However would this be a riskier approach for the novice keris student in that there would be a higher risk of landing with a fraud than if one were to focus on the "less pictoral", more "regular", keris, pun intended? Iīm talking about post original manufacture alterations provided for making the market value higher. Hallucination?


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