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Old 10th February 2013, 03:17 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Dom
Hi Gene
I'm one of those, he watch and didn't comment, it's because (I talk about myself)
at evidence, the Koftgari work, it's Indian, and I haven't a knowledge about it

if it was; Egyptian, Syrian even Ottoman, be sure that you should receive comments from my part

in addition to my collection of; Islamic edged weapons, I have at least 2 other hobbies
- Islamic Antique talismanic/magic bowl (Tasset el Khrada)
- Islamic chapelet (Prayer beads)

but our forum title, has, as mention "Ethnographic Arms and Armour"
no mention about domestic objects, even if they are quality

by the way, my "Tasset el Kharda" (antiques), yet, all are engraved,
come from Syria, Egypt, Middle Asia, and some from Turkey Ottoman,
no one of them has Koftgari work
best regards

à +


Hi Dom,

Don't forget your astrolabes.

We often find ourselves pontificating over the dating of Koftgari objects.
I'm sure you'll agree that not only does this box have a direct military connection, but also that it's an example of koftgari that is directly comparable with those Dhal, Kula Khud, Bazu-band, even some steel hilts, shafts and decorated blades that we regularly discuss. So having datable examples of this type of decoration is supremely helpful for identification and research purposes.

I've got some eygptian and ottoman syrian inlaid metalwork, but there isn't such a connection with the weapons and armour.


Last edited by Atlantia; 10th February 2013 at 04:16 PM.
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