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Old 18th December 2012, 08:54 AM   #11
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,712

Excelent Berk, Thanks Fearn if you can find that thread Id be interested to read it.

Although thiese are full of symbolism {Like all Hindu weapons} The kaudi can have less estoteric uses as well.

Pour full fat milk {To emulate blood.}all over the blade & wave the kukri around & you will find less milk gets on your hand if there is a kaudi or step.{Realy... try it. }

It provides a break in the sharpening line so the edge ends at the same spot even if roughly resharpened in the field. {Or village.}

Kukri that break have been overhardend in the riccaso/tang area, fileing the kaudi allows one to know how hard or not the blade is at that point & allows the kami to re adjust temper if neccasary.

I am sure there other practical reasons as well, But putting the power of the Gods into your blade & protecting you from the malevolent spirits Hindus believe are attracted to weapons that have maimed & killed is going to be fairly high on the list, I suspect.


Last edited by spiral; 18th December 2012 at 02:35 PM.
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