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Old 10th August 2012, 07:32 PM   #5
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Actually it is not likely that the experts will have much to say on these as they are novelty display items and not actually weapons. What is most interesting , especially concerning 'classification', is that these are truly textbook examples of the often misapplied 'tourist' term. They are however interesting from a nostalgic point of view as I also remember them from the 'glory days' of youthful collecting and interest in weapons, and incredibly these are still around.

Thank you for posting them regardless NovelRus, and most importantly my compliments for your efforts in doing your own research and attempting to learn more on these on your own. One of the true goals here in my opinion is for us all to join together in research on weapons discussed, and share our findings so that we can all learn together.

May I ask, what is your regular field of collecting? While many specialize, I find most areas fascinating so its hard to stay focused on one.

All the best,
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