Thread: Dutch Cutlass
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Old 15th November 2010, 08:46 AM   #9
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it's quite possible that the scabbard is a mis-match, while i am aware that dealer supplied provenances can be suspect, my klewang was supposedly recovered from an altercation between a german s-boot and british mtb in the channel here (the germans lost) with a number of others aboard the captured schnellboot that had been liberated by the germans from the dutch.

it is possible the scabbard was mismatched at the dutch depot, at the kreigsmarine when issued, after capture by the brits, or even added/mixed up by the dealer. the scabbard is brown leather (oiled) with brass chape held on by two brass staples, the re-enforcement at the throat is also brass, painted black and held on by brass rivets (also painted). it is sewn on the spine side of the scabbard.

my ex-father-in-law was a LT. in the royal navy at the time and commanded a mtb, lost a leg in a battle with a german schnellboot they captured, so i have a predilection to believing the story on my klewang

my klewang is marked 'PD LUNESCHLOSS SOLINGEN' on one side, (there is a small proof mark on the other that looks like a crowned letter of some sort), each of the three letter groups on a different line. brown wood grips, two part brass grip rivets, steel guard shell is cut with stepped corners in the european fashion, tho these are not as prominent as some others i've seen.
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